Friday, 28 March 2014

Signs that assure you are in LOVE with your JOB…

Signs that assure you are in LOVE with your JOB…

  1. Showing up an hour early to work every day

The sooner you get in, the sooner you can have everything ready to go for a smooth and awesome day

  1. Can’t imagine life without your Co-Workers

Between their hilarious jokes and them jumping in to work through a slam, these guys are the best! They make the day fly by

  1. Been there forever and don’t want to leave

Leave? No way! Your job is sweet and the day you have to leave is going to break your heart

  1. Always excited to come back to work after time off

 Your vacation time this week has been great, but you’re equally looking forward to getting back in

  1. Always ready to jump in to cover someone’s shift

Besides some extra cash, an extra shift here or there is no problem

  1. Talking up your job, even when not at work

You are your work’s biggest fan

  1. Swoon when your boss recognizes your hard work

There’s nothing better than getting a high-five from your manager after the crazy shift you put in last week. Being appreciated is what it’s all about

Thursday, 27 March 2014

All you wanted to know regarding ***Variable Performance Pay***

All you wanted to know regarding ***Variable Performance Pay***

Variable Performance Pay aligns the focus of the employee with that of the enterprise. Thus, it encourages employees to support the organization’s strategic direction, and it drives the accomplishment of organizational goals. It does so by enabling companies to recognize and reward high performers and to sustain high performance.

Average performance is already compensated by the base pay at the market rate. Average performance doesn’t necessarily require a merit increase. Variable pay programs should pay for themselves. Though, it is not applicable to all positions.

Incentives are Crucial as they:

Ø  Add to bottom line profitability

Ø  Help control costs

Ø  Reward, retain, and motivates Performers

Ø  Motivates average performers to improve

Ø  Incentivize under performers to go elsewhere

Ø  Raise the bar for the entire organization


Ø  Short-term incentives are increasing as part of the rewards package

Ø  Promotional budgets are becoming separated from the salary budget

Ø  Employers are shifting funds to ensure that they are rewarding their top performers

Key to Success

Ø  Clearly defined Outcomes & Reward

Ø  Efficient Communications

Ø  Easy Metrics & Measurements

Ø  Appropriate & Substantial Reward

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

5 TOP ways to DEAL with Underperformers

     5 TOP ways to DEAL with Underperformers

1.      Communication

The most important & basic first step is “Communication”. The reports, statistics & records might show a clear picture that someone is not making the cut, but nothing is obvious till we communicate.
2.      Drill to the Core Issue

Post the Communication, dive deeper into the core issue to find the cause. Now when the cause is identified, we need to Counsel and Coach the person so that things can optimistically improve.
3.      Identify Core Strength

We all have our unique strengths. Some know it; some need help in recognizing it. Therefore, it is crucial to assist them in finding what it is. Employee may be given a rundown of career tracks and then he may be asked to pick what he thinks he can do best.
4.      Avoid Traditional Rating System

Most organizations today are doing away with the traditional rating systems, and focusing on Goal Achievement instead. Avoid labeling/tagging employees as 'B' or an 'underperformer'. It is indeed stressful & de-motivating.
5.      Lastly, put a Roadmap in Place

Different Strokes for Different Folks - Managers need to appreciate that what works for one might not work for others. A roadmap should be put in place the moment we figure out what compels the individual to perform better.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Top 10 PEOPLE SKILLS to put your Career on a Fast Track

Top 10 PEOPLE SKILLS to put your Career on a Fast Track


Be assertive. Learn to express yourself verbally and in writing. Be direct and clear, using simple language and minimum words. Assertiveness is not aggression, so stick to positive language, learn to accept a 'No' and don't alienate people by bragging.


If speaking up is important, learning to listen is critical. Getting the communication right the first time saves you trouble later. Be 100% present in every conversation and listen sincerely, and with humility and empathy.


Conflict resolution is the biggest skill that managers and leaders need. Being fair will help people listen to you during disagreements. To resolve issues, seek common ground between both parties and present both sides equally. Find consensus and hold people accountable for their actions. Focus on the solution, not on the problem or people concerned.


The workplace is for teams, not individuals. Success comes only through team work. The closer the bonds you build with people, the easier your work will be. Break the ice with a smile and increase quality time spent with people, both in and outside office.


Even if it appears difficult or corny, learn to say thank-you and express gratitude. Be sincere and specific in your words. Acknowledge your subordinate who stayed back late to complete the presentation for your meeting. It helps people feel energized and creates an enabling environment for the team.


Follow both general and local etiquette. Master non-verbal communication: have clear eye contact and a confident posture. Only if your body language and behaviour are in line with expectations, will your words have an impact.


Learn how to question people and respond in the right way. Questions are vital to learn how things work, foster close relationships in a team, manage people and projects and avoid needless conflict. Avoid a manner that assumes wrong intention or wrongdoing on the other person's part.


Japanese legends respect the power of mirror/self-knowledge. Introspect to know what makes you thrive and what makes you lose focus and motivation. Figure out the same for people around you.


US President Barack Obama is known to never lose his cool even in the most stressful situations. Doing so will give you power over the situation and people involved. The first step is to shut up and walk out or walk away till you have calmed down. You can come back later with a planned response to achieve your aims with minimum disturbance to you or your team.


The quickest secret to success is to ask yourself: 'What do I want?' Figure out what you want from the situation or the person you are dealing with. This will help formulate a plan and take the best action possible.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Which step have you REACHED TODAY?


Creating Smart Goals

6 best ways to prepare for your NEXT APPRAISAL…

6 best ways to prepare for your NEXT APPRAISAL…


1.    Firstly pen down what you want to communicate during appraisal meeting. Data and information helps, but it needs to be presented in clear and concise manner. Too much of it can distract the manager from one's key achievements.

2.    Consider projects or tasks you have worked on, across the year. Also add projects or tasks which you were supposed to work on but could not complete to the standards expected. A way forward from your side, on those, will be seen in a positive light by your manager.

3.    Be honest and objective about your own achievements, skills, commitment to work and your interaction with others. Being pompous or overtly modest won't help.

4.    Avoid generalised or ambiguous language to articulate your strengths or development areas. Think of at least one example from day-to-day work, which illustrates your point of view. Identify areas in your skills where you genuinely need help.

5.    It is important to keep in mind the manager and the context in which he operates during appraisal discussion. The manager is often expected to toggle between a role of a judge and that of a coach, during the appraisal process.

6.    Before the appraisal discussion, also think about a feedback for manager in a balanced and constructive manner. While listening to the feedback from manager it is important not to 'react' but to 'respond' appropriately.

Besides, it is also important to understand that in most organizations, appraisal is not an absolute but a relative process and therefore your final performance rating is not just a reflection of how you have contributed, but also how others have.



1.      Decide that this week will be most excellent.
2.      Believe it.
3.      Write yourself a note as a reminder.
4.      Schedule an appointment in your calendar for an hour of “me time” before Friday.
5.      Write an email to a friend you have not talked to in a while, just to say hello.
6.      Clean your computer screen.
7.      Start a tally of vegetables consumed & watch it grow over the week.
8.       Close your eyes for 90 seconds. Imagine your most peaceful memory. Breathe it in.
9.      Jot down 7 people you are thankful for knowing.
10.  Share your gratitude with atleast two of them.
11.  Read some words.
12.  Write some, too.
13.  Grant yourself permission to say “no.”
14.  Listen to your favorite music while driving back home.